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Friday Pause: Off to bloom 🌱
Friday Pause: Off to bloom 🌱
HelloWelcome to the first Friday of Q4 2024. Got any plans for the weekend? Maybe catch up with your friends while refle
Debat Cawapres AS
Debat Cawapres AS
Who's just gone through the debate?US Vice Presidential CandidatesYoi. Setelah beberapa waktu lalu kita denger debat cal
Rencana Subsidi KRL Berbasis NIK
Rencana Subsidi KRL Berbasis NIK
Now, here's your updates on: Rencana Subsidi KRL Berbasis NIK.. Batal Diterapkan Tahun Depan.Yep. You heard it
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Puan Maharani Ditetapkan Sebagai Ketua DPR RI 2024-2029
First stop, let's talk about the "Dua Periode" girl....Aka Puan MaharaniYoi. Ketua DPR RI lima tahun kemaren, Puan
Puan Maharani Ditetapkan Sebagai Ketua DPR RI 2024-2029, Rencana Subsidi KRL Berbasis NIK, Debat Cawapres AS
Puan Maharani Ditetapkan Sebagai Ketua DPR RI 2024-2029, Rencana Subsidi KRL Berbasis NIK, Debat Cawapres AS
Good morningWelcome to Thursday! Hang in there because we're soooo close to the weekend. If you're reading this while wa
Suga BTS Kena Denda Sebesar KRW15 Juta
Suga BTS Kena Denda Sebesar KRW15 Juta
Who feels sorry for drinking under the influence?Suga BTS.Repeat after us: I will not be drink and drive. EVER.&nbs
Kasus Pungli di Rutan KPK
Kasus Pungli di Rutan KPK
Now, let's get you up to speed up on: Kasus Pungli di Rutan KPK.... Ini kesaksian para napi.Sekarang mari kita
Kekerasan di Lembaga Pendidikan
Kekerasan di Lembaga Pendidikan
We need to talk about: Kekerasan di lembaga pendidikan...That's gone wrong too far. We got it. Zaman sekolah d

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